Everyone’s welcome, come on in! 

Germany remains the main destination for migrants coming to Europe. Of the country’s 83 million inhabitants, 21.9 million now have a migration background, and 11.4 million are foreign. There are probably between 4 and 5 million people who have immigrated since 2014; authorities are reluctant to provide reliable data as they fear it will make the German population uneasy.

In 2021, as it has been for nine years now, there will be more than 100,000 asylum applications in Germany. By the end of September, the Federal Asylum Office had received 100,278 applications.

So far, most migrants have arrived in an EU country via Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea and then continued to migrate to the German “El Dorado.” Now, however, the Polish-Belarusian border has also found itself under siege by migrants making their way to Germany.

According to federal police, more than 8,000 illegal migrants have been detected near the Polish-German border since August, with 5,285 people entering Germany illegally in October alone. 

The border guards cannot return or arrest migrants who have entered German territory illegally, as this would constitute „border protection.” The current, and certainly the next, German government will stick to this policy, as they insist on “Europe’s open borders.” A federal police spokesman said: 

„The German-Polish border is an internal Schengen border, which can be crossed anytime and anywhere in accordance with the principles.” If illegal immigrants utter the word “refuge” (asylum), “there is no possibility of their rejection,” the spokesman said. 

That the German police and border guards know otherwise is evidenced by the border epidemiological measures taken in 2020. As part of this, almost 200,000 people were deported back to the other side of the border, with more than 3,000 people being returned at airports alone. In 2020, this led to a significant reduction in illegal migration. 

As for migration from Poland, “there will still be no border controls,” said Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). This would have serious economic consequences for both countries, he said, then regretting that migrants were not acting in accordance with the Schengen agreement and not seeking asylum in Poland.

Now, not only is the border open again to anyone who wants to receive generous German social benefits. At the same time, the German and EU leaders are unanimously attacking the Polish authorities for guarding the border with fences and trying to deport illegal intruders back to Belarus. 

In the meantime, the German state and faithful media are trying to paint as terrible a picture as possible of the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border so that the moral blackmail of German citizens can remain high. Pictures of hungry and cold young people are disseminated, along with criticism of Polish border guards for using force against those seeking to infiltrate the border by means of violence.

The fact that these young people are camping at the Polish border of their own free will, and that the Polish border guards are doing exactly their assigned task per the European Treaties, namely to protect the EU’s external border, is not even addressed by mainstream propagandists.

Katarina Barley, a Social Democrat MEP known for her hatred of Hungarians and Poles („they need to be financially starved”), called on Poles to find „humane” solutions, as „admitting people waiting at the border is absolutely possible.” Her Social Democratic colleague Birgit Sippel said: „Violent rejections bring shame to the European Union […] this is a systematic attack on European asylum, an attempt to change European values.”

It would be best, she said, for the EU to take control of the resettlement and distribution of migrants itself so that it could provide even more opportunities for immigration.

Meanwhile, the Union is preparing another legal attack on Poland. EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson confirmed: „Rejections should not be legalized under any circumstances […] violence is not acceptable at our borders, especially when it comes to structural and organized violence.”

Johansson, of course, was not referring to the violence perpetrated by migrants. 

At the same time, she expressed concern about the new Polish immigration law, under which Polish border guards can decide who is entitled to seek asylum and cross the border on this basis. The European Commission is already examining whether the regulation is in line with EU law. The situation on the Polish border would certainly be welcomed by the EU if the conflict were to destabilize Poland’s foreign and domestic policy at the same time. 

The German government has been merely watching the events, while pro-immigration NGOs are raising money to buy fake visas and loudly demanding that all “refugees” be admitted. Voter enthusiasm for this is likely to be quite subdued these days after a Syrian “refugee” on Saturday critically injured three passengers on an ICE train.

This is not the first and certainly not the last such case, but the violence and killings committed by migrants are so commonplace that they no longer provoke any particular outrage. 

Parties had been so afraid of the legitimate anger of the electorate that the issue of migration was completely excluded from the pre-election campaign. Even now, only those who take the trouble to read the 12-page preliminary agreement of the future coalition parties (SPD, Greens, Free Democrats) will find out that they in fact seek to speed up the population replacement, as they want to issue virtually an invitation to anyone who wants to come. 

Their plans include raising the amount of social benefits due to migrants to the level of German social assistance and distributing German citizenship even to those who are in the country illegally. Of course, Polish border protection, which serves the interests of German citizens against the German political elite, does not fit into this thinking. 

Another Hungarian Islamist was captured by Hungary’s Counter-Terrorism Center – Neokohn

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