Pope Francis will also meet Shlomo Köves and Róbert Deutsch

As the Mazsihisz website recently reported, Pope Francis will meet with András Heisler, the secular president of Mazsihisz, and Róbert Frölich, the national Neolog chief rabbi, during his visit to Budapest in September.

However, the Mazsihisz website forgot to mention that Pope Francis, head of the Roman Catholic Church, will also meet Shlomo Köves, the head rabbi of EMIH, and Róbert Deutsch, the leader of the MAOIH Orthodox community.

The Pope will arrive in Budapest on September 12, and after official greetings, Hungarian public dignitaries, including Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and President János Áder, will greet him at the Museum of Fine Arts.

Neolog Rabbi Peter Petrovics: The path Mazsihisz offers to its rabbis is unacceptable 

We asked Petrovics about the circumstances surrounding his departure from Mazsihisz.